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Advertising. background image. Installation and. Operations Manual. Model. SK-5208. Fire Control / Communicator. Document 151204. 05/15/2014 Rev:. Model SK-5208 Fire Control/Communicator Installation and Operation Manual. 1-4. P/N 151204. In general, fire alarm systems and devices will not work without Follow the instructions in the installation, operating, and programming manuals. These instructions must be followed to avoid damage to the control panel and SK-5208. Fire Control / Communicator. Document 151204. 05/15/2014 Rev: M. P/N 151204:M ECN: 14-0068. Installation and. Operations Manual. Sections 5 & 7 Page 76 model sk- 5208 fire control/ communicator installation and operation manual table 4- 4: programming options programming menu item choices default I have a Silent Knight 5208 fire alarm control panel. Sometimes there are some extra steps to programming, so always read the installation manual.View and Download SILENT KNIGHT SK-5208 installation and operation manual online. Fire Control/Communicator. SK-5208 controller pdf manual download. 3-18 P/N 151204 i Model SK-5208 Fire Control/Communicator Installation and Operation Manual 3.14 Accessory Devices . Follow the instructions in the installation, operating, and programming manuals. These instructions must be followed to avoid damage to the control panel
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