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AMX SERIES. AC POWER SOURCE. OPERATION. MANUAL. PACIFIC. POWER SOURCE 160-AMX, 360-AMX. 390-AMX. 3120-AMX. PPS PART NO. 139250. THIS MANUAL ASSIGNED TO Pacific 360-AMX Pdf User Manuals. View online or download Pacific 360-AMX Operation Manual. Applications range from simple, manually controlled frequency conversion to power-line susceptibility testing and sophisticated bus programmable transient the AMX Parallelable data sheet for multi-chassis system configuration info. FREQUENCY/ VOLTAGE CONVERSION. The 360AMX is an excellent source of stable AC Pacific Model 360ASX with UPC Controller. Take Control of Your AC Test Power. The AMX and ASX Series are two families of High Performance AC Power. Provide easy manual control with Pacific's UMC-31 Manual AC Power Controller. UMC-31 Manual Controller. The UMC-31 provides operational control and high quality All controllers provide manual operation from the front panel or from a remote interface via RS-232 or GPIB. Pacific Power Source 360AMX AC power sourcesAs a member of Pacific Power's AMX-Series popular family of high performance Linear. AC Power Sources, the 360AMX offers the same low output voltage noise
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