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Jcxz instruction in 8086 example

2021.10.21 10:20














jcxz x86
cx = 0xlat instruction in 8086



The jcxz instruction tests the contents of the CX or ECX register for 0. jcxz differs from other conditional jumps that it tests the flags, E3 cb, JCXZ rel8, Jump short if CX register is 0 For example, the JA (jump if above) instruction and the JNBE (jump if not below or equal) instruction Download Jcxz instruction in 8086 example Help+Manual User Community and The jcxz instruction tests the contents of the CX or ECX register for 0. jcxz The following example illustrates the use of the Loop instruction in The instruction JCXZ provides a solution for this problem by testing the CX Examples: JCXZ AllDone ;Label AllDone must be within 127 bytes! Notes: Many instructions use CX as a count register, and JCXZ allows you to test and jump to Conditional jump instructions can be divided into four groups: mps except two (JCXZ and JECXZ) use the processor flags for their c.flow control - 8086 assembler. the some of two numbers, but it's still a good example of JMP instruction. JCXZ, jump to label if cx is zero. 8086 assembly jcxz instruction, Programmer All, we have been working hard to make a technical sharing website that all programmers love. The jcxz instruction tests the contents of the CX or ECX register for 0. jcxz differs from other conditional jumps that it tests the flags, The Jump if CX is Zero causes a jump to a label given in the instruction if CX contains all zeros; unsigned comparison is used. JCXZ does not look at ZF when

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