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Tupperware(. Microwave(Pressure(Cooker(. Recipes(. Your(Tupperware(Consultant( To$Recap$Q$You$now$have$pressure$in$your$pressure$cooker,$. Tupperware Microwave Pressure Cooker Recipes by Ingredient. 7. Tuscany Creamy Tortellini Soup. White Chicken Chili. Lamb. Indian Lamb & Potatoes (Aloo Gosht). Place beef roast in the base of Microwave Pressure Cooker. 2. In a medium bowl, whisk together remaining ingredients and pour over meat. 3. Seal the PressureAlways, under estimate the cooking time for each recipe when cooking it for the first time. If the food is not cooked as per your requirement, increase the time Sep 4, 2021 - Explore Margaret Lassila's board "Tupperware Pressure Cooker Recipes", followed by 480 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about pressure If the recipe calls for excess water like soups, it is advisable to cook with less water in the Microwave Pressure Cooker and add the water subsequently. 3.
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