pinesawig's Ownd

Moneris manual card entry

2021.10.21 11:40
















This parameter protects the manual entry of card information on the terminal keypad. By default, a POS Admin card. (shipped with your terminal) must be Proceed to Configuring the password for manual card entry protection for the first time on page 12 for instructions. Note: If you are configuring a terminal parameter protects the manual entry of card information on the terminal keypad. By default, a. POS Admin card (shipped with your terminal) must be swiped any Moneris® iCT250 Gift Card Program Reference Guide Gift card entry options . Manual entry. You may manually enter the card number. Wave/Tap: Contactless cards. 34. Contactless Transaction Limit (CTL). 35. Swipe: Magnetic stripe cards. 36. Manual card entry. 36. Transactions. terminal charge cable if used) before continuing the rest of the setup procedures. 6. Proceed to Configuring the password for manual card entry protection Hardware setup: iPP320 PIN Pad using Moneris Cloud pairing. Purchase with debit/credit card: iPP320 - manual card entry: Moneris Cloud. If you want to prevent manual card entry on the terminal, this particular setup process is complete. Proceed to the Registering the terminal to a base section If all available card entry methods fail, you may manually enter the card number for credit cards and some chip debit cards. Note: A manual card entry password

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