m4ufree Watch Doctor Sleep (2019) Online Free Full Episodes Without Downloading
Still tormented by the past's uncomfortable memories, decades after surviving the harsh winter at the Overlook Hotel in The Shining (1980), it's only natural that a now-sad Dan Torrance has grown up into an alcoholic and a drifter. However, after managing for years to suppress his rare gift, Dan decides to put "The Shining" to good use as the local hospice's benevolent "Doctor Sleep"; and before he knows it, he makes contact with Abra Stone: a young girl with far more superior shining abilities. But, their strong telepathic bond attracts the attention of the semi-eternal psychic vampire, Rose the Hat, and her marauding gang of followers known as "The True Knot", who prey on the innocent, and feed off the effervescent essence of pain. Now, once more, the restless and famished spirits of Colorado's snow-capped purgatory in the mountains invite Dan over for one last winter. Does Danny dare to return to Room 237? /
directed by: Mike Flanagan /
score: 99504 vote /
Creator: Stephen King, Mike Flanagan /
Release year: 2019
Loved the review, but I couldve done without the anxiety attack from the background accompanying music (Peer Gynt Suite No. 1 Op. 46: In The Hall of the Mountain King. 😒. Movie was truly amazing. Jeez Stephen King's Novels are on a roll for movies. Damn. The greatest horror film ever made. Period.
From all points of view The Shining was THE horror movie and Doctor Sleep didn't disappoint, however the only problem is that in the last 4 minutes they decide "hey why not kill off Danny for no reason? Which essentially destroys the journey of him up until that point, but nonetheless Doctor Sleep is an almost perfect sequel to one of the best Kubrick films while also cleverly tying in elements of the book that finally satisfied Stephen King. “Hello Danny!” I got chills, what a great throwback. I wouldnt have been satisfied without everyone returning.
I swear. I had an exact same dream of me flying over the city 😴😌😂😂😂.
At 4:43, if she landed on her head and broken her neck, the movie would have ended at that. Just call the x-men, youll be fine. Oh wait. Ok fine, just use the force Obi-Wan. This woman has to be amazing in bed. I saw this last night and i really do think its a good movie 11/10. First off let me say, I'm not one to leave reviews much unless I find something deserving one in my opinion. I didn't know what to expect when it came to this movie since I had never seen "The Shining" but soon after watching the trailer for "Doctor Sleep" immediately it had my attention so I had to give it a shot. I must say it's like I was in a trance from beginning to end and was very well pleased. Check it out beyond any doubt or what others may have said negatively about it, but do watch "The Shining" first so it will make more sense. I don't think you will be unimpressed.
Love how many times Danny was referred to as incredibly handsome in this movie.
This would probably make more sense if I watched the shining.
When I was, a young bo. Oh.
This film was so refreshing for a big horror release. Also, Abba was dope af with that bait scene ripping her hand up. Really satisfying flick. I just watched the movie and there are a lot of RWBY references.
The hotel's destructive cycle may be broken laughs in Doctor Sleep
I love the memories in this scene and I liked how they stuck with Kubrick's timeline instead of rebooting. An absolute MUST SEE for every Stephan King fan ! One of the best movies I have seen this year. I've seen the movie twice... i loved it... i would like to see a Rose the hat becca Ferguson was amazing 🎩. Flanagan GETS IT. He feels it. Few people can translate this well from an original tale within a tale within a tale. YOU certainly can't. REDRUM. This entire movie scares me. Jack Nicholson's mannerisms, that guy in the 🐻 costume, the Lady in the tub, and the twin's. I remember when I saw this movie as a kid, the blood in elevator just terrifying.😱😱😱😱😱😱 My stomach's still churning.
You should see mine kiddo Ight imma head out
The first time I saw this I thought she got him in the nuts, cringed so hard when she sent him flying down the stairs. For those who are wondering about music in the end, it's time to rewatch not only Kubrick's Shining, but Clockwork Orange too. It's Funeral of Mary Queen. When rose was in the hedge maze, I was hoping to hear Jack, scream ROSE! and start like chasing her through the maze, nullifying her powers in the process. Woulda been more fitting.
I fell in luv with Rebecca Ferguson because of this movie. Ok trailer dont just sneak in clips from the shining to get me excited for a film that doesnt look that good because god damn it its working. I read the book years ago it is going to be great. I SEE THAT RWBY POSTER.