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Hand scoring and digital scoring 3 Deliver and score - interactive tests on a digital system that including the new WRAT-5 and the trusted. WRAT5 - accurate, easy-to-administer assessment & monitoring of reading, spelling, & math skills. Get the Wide Range Achievement Test 5th Ed at Pearson.Streamlined rules and clear guidelines allow for easier scoring. Subtest scores are reported as standard scores and percentile ranks. Word Reading and Sentence CWCS has chosen the WRAT (version 4) as the assessment test to be administered yearly to Transitional Kindergarten students (once the student turns 5) . What you'll learn. Benefits of using the Wide Ranging Achievement Test (WRAT 5); How to accurately administer and score each subtest of the WRAT 5 Online scoring and reporting available via our Q-global® web-based system. specialists access to the WRAT-5 and the trusted KTEA-3 under one licence. WRAT: 1946 with 1978 Norm Up. WRAT-R: 1984. WRAT3: 1993. WRAT4: 2006 Growth Scale Values (GSVs) 5. Addition of Q-global scoring - Helps you.
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