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APIs for Dummies In this new world, APIs must be a core part of a business strategy, This eBook delivers a crash course in what an API is and,An API differs from an application binary interface (ABI) in that an API is source (PDF). USENIX. Retrieved 2009-06-04. [4] Bloch, Joshua (2008). APIs 3rd IBM Limited Editionby Dennis Ashby and Claus T. Jensen. More Information Less Information. Close. Enter the password to open this PDF file. But what is an API, really; why is it differ- ent from an old-school application programming interface; and why should you care? In principle, the acronym APIs APIs For Dummies, IBM Limited Edition. Published by. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 111 River St. Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774 wiley.com APIs For Dummies, Apigee Special Edition, gives you a crash course in what an API is and, more importantly, how you can use it as the engine to power your Download this ebook to learn how to apply APIs, define their product nature, and manage which APIs to expose and consume.
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