Symbolics xl1200 lisp machine manual
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JScheme; MIT/GNU Scheme; Scheme 48; STk; TinyScheme; JazzScheme. The classic text Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (HTML, PDF, TexInfo) was Ralf Moller's Symbolics Lisp Machine Museum. Rainer Joswig's home page, Jaap Weel's review of documentation that matters with respect to Lisp Machines. Earlier some game contents was even developed on Symbolics Lisp Machines - the through the Apollo DN10000, Sun SPARCstation 2, and Symbolics XL1200. Symbolics Lisp Machines sprzedawano takze do innych zastosowan, [. Some Lisp machines, such as the Symbolics XL1200, had extensive graphics abilities [. Several firms built and sold Lisp machines in the 1980s: Symbolics (3600, 3640, XL1200, MacIvory, and other models), Lisp Machines Incorporated (LMI Lambda) Ivory processors were marketed in stand-alone Lisp Machines (the XL400, XL1200, and XL1201), headless Lisp Machines (NXP1000), and on add-in cards for Sun Hypertext editions of the Lisp Machine Manual: Hans Hubner's (based on 6th ed), The SLUG (Symbolics Lisp Users' Group) mailing list and its archive. A further improvement was two microcode instructions which specifically supported Lisp functions, reducing the cost of calling a function to (in some Symbolics
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