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Tecnam p2006t manual

2021.10.22 05:49














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Summary of Contents for Tecnam P2006T. Page 1 EASA on behalf of the FAA per FAR 21.29. This Manual must be carried in the airplane at all times. The Aircraft Flight Manual. FOREWORD. Page 0 - 10. 3. FOREWORD. Tecnam P2006T is a twin-engine four-seat aircraft with high cantilevered wing and tri-. For additional info, refer to "Rotax Operators Manual" - latest issue -. "Operating Media" Section. KIAS KCAS. Airspeed Limits. VA (Design Manoeuvring Speed). This document applies only to the Tecnam P2006T and is published for the purpose of providing general information Carburettor Heat With Manual Control. Edition - Rev. 0. Aircraft Flight Manual. FOREWORD. 3. FOREWORD. Tecnam P2006T is a twin-engine four-seat aircraft with high cantilevered wing and tri-. P2006T. Type Certificate Holder: Costruzioni Aeronautiche TECNAM S.r.l.. Via Tasso, 478 “Rotax Operator's Manual OM-912" and in its related documents.Aircraft Flight Manual. Doc. No. 2006/044[EV]. 1st Edition – 2009, May 25th. Rev. 0. TECNAM P2006T. MANUFACTURER: COSTRUZIONI AERONAUTICHE TECNAM S.r.l..

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