xmovies8 Watch Halloween (1978) Online Full Movie Streaming
Movie info=In 1963, Michael Myers stabbed his 15 year-old sister to death. He was institutionalized and according to his doctor, Sam Loomis, is the personification of evil. On the day before Halloween 15 years later, Myers manages to escape and heads for his home town. On Halloween night, he goes on a rampage while Loomis and the local sheriff search Myers' neighborhood for him. Meanwhile Laurie Strode, a serious student who rarely goes out on dates, is babysitting a neighbor's child. Little does she know the danger she is in;
rating=210515 votes;
release year=1978
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Halloween party.
Halloween 1992.
Halloween amazes me more and more each time I watch it! Scream and I Still Know what You Did Last Summer are both really good movies but they can't even compare to a classic like Halloween!
Before I had seen this movie, I thought it was going to be very similar to Friday the 13th (a good movie, yet no plot. but I was thrilled by Halloween! It has an absolutely amazing plot that you can't find in other horror movies. A young boy kills his sister at age 6 and then 15 years later escapes from a sanitarium to find his long lost Laurie Strode! And from there it gets a hell of a lot better!
The music in Halloween is unforgettable. The chilling music while in the Myer's house, the stalking music when Michael is chasing someone, and the main music actually forms part of the movie and helps to genuinely give us the creeps! If you ever see the soundtrack, listen to it.
As I always try to look for negative things in a movie also, I can't think of one thing wrong with Halloween.
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Halloween 5.
SPOILER FREE. I'll lay the cards on the table, and say this is perhaps the greatest horror film of all time. When asked the question 'what movie would you like to see on the big screen? The answer will resoundingly always be Halloween.
Halloween manages to have you on the edge of your seat, poised to cover your eyes with a blanket. Michael Myers, the mask, the music, Jamie Lee Curtis as the perfect victim, the list is endless, so many elements combine to make it the greatest horror of all time.
I had nightmares as a child, peering through a gap in the door as my parents watched it, the bed sheet/ghost scene is as harrowing now as it was back then.
. as Halloween approaches order the popcorn, shut the blinds and put this movie on.
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Halloween 2018 film.
How did Michael know who his sister was? He travels directly to Haddonfield and stalks in bushes but as explained in the sequel how would he know she was being adopted after their parents died? Dr. Loomis didn't even have that information to pass along to Michael. There's the break-in at the school scene with the knife sticking into the that somehow the way Michael knew her name? By going through yearbooks? Seems this ever been brought up before.
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