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Directed by Amy Heckerling
In California, at Ridgemont High, a group of teenagers are looking for something as part of discoveries in their lives: the pothead Jeff Spicoli, who is permanently stoned, dreams on becoming a great surfer in Hawaii. His history teacher Mr. Hand is giving hard time to him. The fifteen year-old virgin Stacy Hamilton wants to have sex and her friend Linda Barrett is her mentor. Her brother Brad Hamilton works at a fast-food and is paying for his Cadillac. He wants to break with his girlfriend Lisa now that he is senior to date other girls. The shy Mark 'Rat' Ratner is into Stacy and his friend Mike Damone is his mentor. Along the semester, they have surprises and make discoveries about friendship and love
Average ratings 8,1 / 10 stars
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genres Comedy
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I have seen Fast Times At Ridgemont High plenty of times in the last 30 years. It was very popular on late night T.V. in the 1980's (the edited version) and then the theatrical version years later on when T.V. was allowed to air the R-rated version. I enjoyed this film more as a teen but as a middle-aged man, the movie just isn't as entertaining. I would recommend FTARH to teenagers and young adults but not to those who were kids back in 1982.
Still, to see a cast with 3 future Oscar winners in Sean Penn (I Am Sam, Milk) Forest Whitaker (The Last King Of Scotland) and Nicolas Coppola Cage (Leaving Las Vegas) makes FTARH noteworthy. The battle of wits between Jeff Spicoli and Ray Walston's Mr. Hand are very entertaining. It was clear back in 1982 that Sean Penn was destined for a successful career in Hollywood. The stoned out California surfer dude was perfected by Penn and for years people have made that stock character a part of many films, television shows and cartoons.
Many years later, lad mags would push Phoebe Cates' famous nude scene as the most perfect display of breasts ever. That one point of the film, you truly feel that you're in an alternate universe when she undoes her top and presents her beautiful assets all shiny and wet to the viewer. That scene never gets old and to this day Ms. Cates is a legend to many young men.
The acting is still solid, the music is 1980's and pretty much every character is likable. There's little to fault about it other than the questionable decision to have Amy Heckerling direct this. I just feel the film is better for teenagers. I would recommend finding Cameron Crowe's book and reading that (or seeing Animal House) instead of this film unless you love seeing Spicoli and Barrett over and over again.
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Fast times at ridgemont high full movie online free movie. This is a great coming of age movie. Just as *Lost Highway *paved the way for *Mulholland Drive *and as *Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels *did for *Snatch. Fast Times *did the same for *Dazed and Confused* despite having different directors. They're both coming-of-age stoner comedies centered around a varying group of high school students, but mostly centered around a select few. The entire film is a slice of life and anecdotal, just showing things happening at Ridgemont High School and drama and relationships between characters. Overall, the greatest part of the film is my love/hate relationship with Damone and the lovability of our favorite surfer/stoner Spicoli. I wouldn't call it tremendous, but rather a fun movie. It's got an excellent cast that spearheaded the careers of many famous actors and it's an early example of a female-directed film, which is hard to come by. The most important part of *Fast Times at Ridgemont High *is how important it is as a predecessor for coming-of-age dramedies.
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