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Samophlange Manual Cover Prices on the WoW TBC Classic Auction House. Quest Item. Use: Join the cover and 5 pages to create the Samophlange Manual. Boss Copperplug used to stay at the Boulder Lode Mine in northeastern Barrens. Get the manual from him, and if he's given pages from it to anyone, you'll have When I was in the Venture Company I had a rival, Boss Copperplug, who hoarded the secrets of the samophlange, giving out small bits of knowledge on the device Samophlange Manual Quest does not Update at Turn in #729. Closed. CapPap opened this issue on Sep 1, 2019 · 1 comment. Use: Join the cover and 5 pages to create the Samophlange Manual. 1 Charge. Quick Facts. Multi drop; Added in 1.11 Boss Copperplug used to stay at the Boulder Lode Mine in northeastern Barrens. Get the manual from him, and if he's given pages from it to anyone, you'll have Bring the Samophlange Manual to Rilli Greasygob in Orgrimmar. A level 19 The Barrens Quest. +150 reputation with Ratchet +75 reputation with Horde. With the apparatus deactivated, the control panel can be opened up and the samophlange removed from the console. With everything else in place,
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