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IMPORTANT: Read entire instructions before program- ming the thermostat. GENERAL. Carrier's 7-day, commercial, programmable thermostats. An extension of Carrier's proven line of thermostats, the Edge Pro thermostat provides separate set points for heating and cooling in addition to hu-. Non--Programmable Thermostat. Designed and Assembled in the U.S.A.. NOTE: Read the entire instruction manual before starting the installation. Electric Cooling & Gas Heating, Heat Pump, Electric or Hydronic Heat. *. *. TOTALINE. Programmable. Digital Thermostat. 1 For All. P374-1500. CAUTION Follow Installation Instructions carefully. DISCONNECT POWER TO THE HEATER -. AIR CONDITIONER BEFORE REMOVING. THE OLD THERMOSTAT ANDView and Download Carrier PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT homeowner's manual online. PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT. PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT thermostat pdf manual
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