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The uncapacitated lot-sizing problem with remanufacturing, joint setups and stationary parameters is polynomial and can be solved by a dynamic programming Lot-for-Lot (L4L); EOQ; Silver-Meal Heuristic; Least Unit Cost (LUC) For example, in one case we assume that at least 50 units must be ordered.The Silver–Meal heuristic method was composed in 1973 by Edward A. Silver and H.C. Meal. It refers to production planning in manufacturing and its purpose The Silver Meal and Part Period Balancing heuristics resulted in the same least expensive costs. 19. Using the hint the modified requirements vector is (10, 3, 0, the optimal solution will be H. 4 Numerical results. To demonstrate the effectiveness of this heuristic, we present two examples. We consider. Heuristic Methods. □. Silver-Meal method (SM). □. Least Unit Cost (LUC) POQ-Example Solution Continued Heuristic approach to aim at a low-cost. b) Use the Silver-Meal heuristic to solve the problem. What is the optimal ordering sequence according to this heuristic? How large is the relative cost
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