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Pavoni espresso machine manual

2021.10.24 17:15














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La Pavoni S.p.A. Declare that the following product: Espresso coffee machines for domestic use presente manual del usuario, Usted podra dis-. 1. Fill the boiler with water until the water level reaches the top of the sight glass. · 2. Add ? packet of coffee descaler (enclosed). · 3. Close the boiler cap My personal recipe for the use of a “La Pavoni” · Once the porta filter is inserted on the machine, it is necessary to make the coffee In this section you can search and download the technical documentation of your La Pavoni product. LEVER MACHINES. Model, Code, Manual, Spare Parts Using a La Pavoni Espresso Machine First, choose either a one or two cup coffee filter. Then insert this into the filter handle. Second, fill How to use a La Pavoni traditional manual lever espresso machine · 1. Unscrew the top off the water tank, fill 3/4 full with cold filtered water, screw top backManuals for the newer machines can be found at the official la Pavoni I'm not comfortable shipping my espresso machine out hundreds of miles for repair, ADD A COFFEE DESCALER OR IF NOT AVAILABLE ADD 2 TABLESPOONS OF SODIUM. CARBONATE. CLOSE THE BOILER CAP (3) AND STEAM KNOB (4). TURN THE MACHINE ON AND ALLOW IT

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