funyokubo's Ownd

openload Watch Secret Society of Second-Born Royals 2020 Movie Online Free Streaming

2021.10.24 17:34

director -

Anna Mastro.

Release year -

2020. Alex Litvak. USA


2020 Secret Society of Second-Born Royals



Watch Secret Society of Second-Born Royals 2020 Movie Online Free streaming.

Watch Secret Society of Second-Born Royals 2020 Movie Online Free.

Watch Secret Society of Second-Born Royals 2020 Movie Online Free streaming vf. When I first saw the ad for this movie I was super excited to watch it. I thought to myself "this is such a cool concept. But then I was slowly getting more and more disappointed as the minutes passed by. I try to keep in mind that is movie is for a younger audience (I'd say 5-12) but still the movie in itself just isn't believable. The setting is a fictional european-ish kingdom set in modern day that allows angsty teens to throw anti-monarchy protests. Like how many total monarchy's do we really have nowadays (especially that wouldn't take out anyone who opposes them) Nevertheless I can get over that since it a movie and all fake. But what makes the movie even more unbelievable is the lack of character development. It is unfortunate because the movie never gives any information about where each "second-born" is from or what their home life was like. Instead they focus on the characters texting their friends and going on a spontaneous beach trip. Without the development of each character it makes it hard to root for them or even care about what happens to them. Because of this there are also many plot holes, like how does January meet Sam's uncle (I forgot his name) Or how do each of the characters even get their powers? Quite frankly because of the plot holes and lack of character development it makes the actors a acting skills seem bad as well, which is sad because they all have such great potential!
So why does this movie get 4 stars if all I said right now was negative? Well that's simple, the main character is Asian and shares my name so that gives an automatic 2 stars. And the other 2 are from my 6 year old self who would've thought this movie was the coolest thing to ever exist. Plus I did out of my own free will continue to watch the movie. so how bad could it have really been.

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This movie was pretty much awful and frustrating to watch from start to end. It was like they didn't have enough time to shoot it right because of the whole corona thing. Bad acting, bad sets, bad writing, bad everything. I just hope they don't turn this into a franchise.


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