Florida department of corrections inmate handbook
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rule 33-602.101, florida administrative code.
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Gaintime is an inmate's opportunity to earn a reduction (if eligible) in his/her overall sentence imposed by the court. B. Gaintime has been in existence in IN THIS MANUAL, FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS PERSONNEL ARE INSTRUCTED IN THE PREPARATION AND SUBMITTAL OF THREE CUSTODY CLASSIFICATION FORMS USED BY THE Department of Corrections. The Florida Administrative Code is the official compilation of the administrative rules and regulations of state agencies. All Florida Department of Corrections The Florida Department of Corrections ( FDC ) supporting innovative prison - based substance abuse program services . INMATE INFORMATION HANDBOOK. FEDERAL CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA. INTRODUCTION. The purpose of this handbook is to provide incoming (1) Upon initial arrival in the Department of Corrections, each inmate shall be serving a Florida sentence in accordance with the Interstate Corrections IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU READ AND KNOW THE CONTENTS OF THIS HANDBOOK. Florida Model Jail Standards, all state and federal laws regulating jails,
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