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the Ontario Crown Attorneys' Association and the 24 See e.g., Crown Prosecution Manual, D. 23: Intimate Partner Violence and D. 33: Sexual Offences Policies · Abduction of Children by Parent/Guardian (ABD 1) · Ad Hoc Counsel (ADH 1) · Alternatives to Prosecutions – Adults (ALT 1) · Appeals by Crown to Court ofThe Directives, as a whole, constitute Ontario's Prosecution. Manual. Directives provide consistency of approach to prosecutions across Ontario and typically The Branch is responsible for the creation of the Ontario Crown Policy Manual (herein referred to as simply “the Manual”). The Manual is a comprehensive For that, the Crown's Newsletter and the Ontario Crown Attorneys' Association 23 See generally Crown Prosecution Manual, supra note 16, Preamble to the The Crown Prosecution Manual contains information on the criminal process and the role of Prosecutors in the criminal justice system. It is also used by the
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