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The CDI/CDI-S items are scored on a 3-point scale. Next to each box on the scoring layer is a number from 0 to 2. Each item also is labeled with a letter from the CDI 2:SR can help to better understand a child and guide intervention decisions. This report provides information about the child's score, The CDI is a 27-item scale that is self-rated and symptom-oriented. The assessment is now in its second edition. The 27 items on the assessmentPlease refer to the CDI 2 Technical Manual for more information about interpreting these results. Scale. Raw. Score. T-score. (90% CI). All CDI 2 forms can be administered and scored using the MHS QuikScore™ format. The rater writes on the external layers of the form, and the results All CDI 2 forms can be administered and scored using the MHS QuikScore™ format. The rater writes on the external layers of the form, and the results
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