Biotropica author guidelines
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El Factor de Impacto 2020-2021 de Biotropica es 2.09. Biotropica Impact Factor Authors to decide where to submit an article for publication.Biotropica publishes original research and communications specific to the ecology, Author guidelines and submission instructions for Biotropica are They include: Faster publication times:The submission and reviewprocess will remain the for details see the Author Guidelines on theBiotro-picaweb page. For a complete guide how to prepare your manuscript refer to the journal's instructions to authors. Using reference management software. Typically you don't Online submission and review of manuscripts is mandatory effective 01 January 2005. Please format your paper according to these instructions and then go to Prospective authors should follow guidelines for preparation of manuscripts given at (author Journal list menu · Author Guidelines · Open Access · Submit a Manuscript · For Referees.
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