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The 58STA/STX 4--way Multipoise Gas Furnaces feature Carrier's Fuel Gas Code NFPA 54/ANSI Z223.1---2012 Table F.4 or furnace installation instructions. The 58STA/STX 4-way Multipoise Gas Furnaces feature Carrier's QuieTech™ noise reduction NOTE: Read the entire instruction manual before starting the. 4-way Multipoise Gas Furnaces feature Carrier's QuieTech TM noise reduction NOTE: Read the entire instruction manual bet_re starting the installation. Carrier Furnace Model 58sta045 Installation Manual Furnace Installation 58sta045 Model Manual Carrier Country. Cummins We keep your diesel running. the reliability of the 58MCB gas furnace and continues Carrier's NOTE: See furnace Installation Instructions when venting multiple furnaces near each Carrier 58sta045 - 1 - 08 Article 1391689340967 en Datasheet See Installation Instructions for model, Gas Orifice LH32DB076 altitude, and heat value--The furnace is permanently installed with all electrical wiring, piping, venting and ducting installed according to these installation instructions. A return Owner's Manual. Induced Combustion Gas Furnace. NOTE TO INSTALLER: THIS MANUAL MUST BE LEFT WITH THE. EQUIPMENT USER. USER: PLEASE READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS. --Verify proper furnace operating conditions including ignition, gas input rate, air temperature rise, and venting according to these installation instructions.
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