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Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) is defined as the use of computers and software applications to teach concepts or TurboTax is an example of an EPSS. computer-assisted instruction (CAI), a program of instructional material presented by means of a computer or computer systems. The use of computers in Computer-aided instruction, more often referred to as computer-assisted instruction or CAI, often means different things to different people. 2.3.2 Computer-Assisted Instruction CAI is the use of specific software programs on computers in the classroom. Frequently these programs are individualized What is computer-assisted instruction? "Computer-assisted instruction" (CAI) refers to instruction or remediation presented on a computer. Many educational This list is not exhaustive; other quality studies may exist that were not included. Page 3. National Professional Development Center on. Autism Spectrumtypes of techniques, namely hardware, software, and courseware. 1. Hardware: The computer as a machine represents the hardware. In CAI, we certain lyneed an
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