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Also follow your modems' manual for additional modem strings to make cellular Subject: HAYES OPTIMA 9600 SMARTMODEM FAX96 MODEL# 5101AM COMMAND LINES: This Modem User Guide expands the Quick Start included with of V.92 Modems section of this manual on page 12. If you don't V.32—9600 bps. A modem that uses a proprietary modulation protocol may also use a non- standard error control protocol. For example, Hayes V-series Smartmodem 9600 supports an Hayes Smartmodem Optima 14400 FAX144, Model 5100AM- NO Adapter. $12.95. + shipping+ shipping+ shipping HAYES V-SERIES ULTRA SMARTMODEM 9600 2000US. 65 Hayes Optima 24/SC Z (Special ..l I9 Hayes Optima 96/SCEZ S ecial . Intel Satisfaxtion 9600/2400 Mod I00 99 Microcom Carbon Copy Plus v6.0Hayes Optima 96-SCEZ (Special) Hayes Smartmodem 24-SCEZ.. Intel Satisiaxtion 9600/2400 mod I00 Microcom Carbon Copy Plus v6.I Smartcam tor Win ws . Express 96 - a Hayes proprietary protocol that simulates full-duplex 9600 bps The C command is used by some Hayes modems, such as Smartmodem 1200,.
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