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six tests of physical fitness from a battery of nine tests. Three national studies of youth fitness and recent fitness test results have all revealedThe National Physical Fitness Award At Pikeville Independent Schools, we test our students at the end of the school year usually during the last. Physical Fitness Test Battery (PFTB) Administration. The Idaho Peace Officer PFTB is comprised of five tests: 1. Vertical Jump. 2. One Minute Sit-Ups. NAPFA is a compulsory test conducted by the PE Department to evaluate the overall physical fitness for the students who are in Secondary 2, 4 and 5. • The NAPFA However, when taking the BMI test, it is recommended that the students wear shorts. In all testing for the BMI, the same or similar clothing should be worn by Qualifying standards are based on the 1985 National School Population. Fitness Survey validated in 1998 as referenced. Accommodating Students with Disabilities. The Presidential Physical Fitness Award. (This represents the 85th percentile.) The National Physical Fitness Award. Participants must at least reach these Aerobic fitness is a measure of how much oxygen your body uses during exercise or physical work. The score is your maximal oxygen uptake and the higher the
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