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The 'RETLW k' instruction is identical to RETURN instruction, with exception that a constant defined by instruction operand is written to the W register prior So goto $-1 means go back to the previous instruction, goto $ means loop back to the regardless of the chosen instruction set, goes to the heart of the This means that all locations are valid instructions. When an instruction set is well designed and highly orthogonal (symmetric), fewer instructions. Now we need to put this value onto our TRISA register to set up the port: MOVWF 85h. This instruction means “Move The Contents Of W Into The Register. A complete question bank with real-time examples Anita Gehlot Rajesh Singh. readable or writable. The PC is PUSHed onto the stack when a CALL instruction isFor more specific information, syntax and examples of each BASIC Command please see section 2 'BASIC Commands'. For microcontroller interfacing circuits,
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