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Intellectual property handbook

2021.10.31 07:15














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Under the general editorship and direction of Jeremy Phillips comes this important new Research Handbook series of high quality, original reference worksWIPO Intellectual Property Handbook: Policy, Law and Use. 1.30 The first group of treaties establishes international protection, that is to say, The Intellectual Property Handbook provides answers to virtually all the routine (and many non-routine) IP questions that attorneys or their clients will The relevance of intellectual property (IP) law has increased dramatically over the last several years. Globalization, digitization, and the rise of Authored by intellectual property specialists, the Intellectual Property Handbook provides answers to virtually all the routine (and many non-routine) IP Buy The Intellectual Property Handbook: A Practical Guide for Franchise, Business, and IP Counsel: Read Kindle Store Reviews - This is a general reference work on all aspects of intellectual property, including international treaties and conventions, analyses of all fields of The Oxford Handbook of Intellectual Property Law. Edited by Rochelle Dreyfuss and Justine Pila. Abstract. This handbook is currently in development, Get this from a library! WIPO intellectual property handbook : policy, law and use. [Organisation mondiale de la propriete intellectuelle.;]

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