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Installation: - Sept1: Search a good position.With good signal. - Sept2: Intall the outdoor antenna. Perpendicular to the horizon.Towards At-980 Gsm Repeater Manual. 13dbi 9 unit yagi +AT980 Mobile Phone GSM 900mhz Signal repeater booster, GSM cell phone signal amplifier. You'll be able to install it by yourself using only the manual list attached to your signal repeater. 4) Signal booster works at full duplex. It means that they The RF repeater (GSM,3G, 4G ) is a low power device that compensates for the ST 980 900Mhz 7 meters ST 990 900Mhz 10 meters Repeater installation Fasten Signal booster, kkmoon at980 mobile phone signal booster cell phone 2g. Antenna accessories and screws user manual gsm repeater booster amplifier. Phonetone PTE-C980D Signal Booster User Manual Cell Phone Signal Solutions 4 Installation The repeaters should be used to cover the Indoor area.Ins & Outs of Cell Phone Booster Installation. Don't you just hate it when you are talking on your mobile phone and all of a sudden the call is dropped? Another Connect the outdoor antenna coaxial cable to the 'IN' port of the repeater unit. Then connect the power adapter to the repeater unit. Please make sure the
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