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as manual labourers or supervisors of manual labourers; This Act applies to all employees in Malaysia and governs the relations. IR Law Consultant. NELC 2018 Applies for 'employees' under Employment Act 1955 Person employed in manual labour irrespective of amount wages.Employment law is typically governed by the Employment. Act (EA), 1955 and it sets out certain Employees who supervise or oversee manual labourers. The primary sources of employment law stem from legislation such as the Employment Act 1955 (“EA”), Industrial Relations Act 1967. (“IRA”), Employment ( PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO EMPLOYMENT ACT 1955 [ACT 265] 372] or any other written law, in any part of Malaysia being an account in the name of the employee LAWS OF MALAYSIA. Act 800. EMPLOYMENT INSURANCE SYSTEM ACT 2017. ARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONS. PART I. PRELIMINARY. Section. 1. Short title and commencement.
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