La county hydrology manual appendix c
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HYDROLOGY APPENDIX C. Number. Name. Original Name. 77. UPPER LOS ANGELES RIVER. ULAR-23B. 78. UPPER SAN GABRIEL RIVER. USGR-B. 79. UPPER SAN GABRIEL RIVER. The 2006 Hydrology manual serves as a guide for hydrologic studies within Los Angeles County. The manual contains current standards and procedures, APPENDIX B – RATIONAL METHOD HYDROLOGY (HYDROCALC) . accordance with the Los Angeles County Hydrology Manual. EXISTING CONDITIONS. Attributes include a soil number (2-180), corresponding to runoff coefficient values in a Hydrology Manual, provided by the Los Angeles County Department of Los Angeles District Part of the Santa Monica Mountains , Los Angeles County , California " , U. S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 165 - C , pp . Hydrology Manual (1986), and the ongoing Los Angeles County Drainage Area B-5. Classification of Precipitation. Mechanisms for Cooling.
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