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Click here for more information about changes to Medicaid eligibility rules. Healthy Connections (Medicaid) Program Income Charts January 1, 2019 What is MaineCare? MaineCare provides free and low-cost health insurance to Mainers who meet certain requirements, based on household composition and incomePROGRAM. TITLE. CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES. NH CHILD CARE SCHOLARSHIP. MODIFIED ADJUSTED GROSS INCOME (MAGI) MEDICAL. ASSISTANCE (MA). QUALIFIED MEDICARE. Eligibility: Adults with household incomes up to 133% of poverty, and pregnant women with incomes up to 196% of poverty. Children are eligible for CHIP with Both a resource assessment and Medicaid application are completed at local offices of the NH Department of Health and Human. Services (DHHS) or ServiceLink Children's Expanded Medicaid: provides the same health benefits of Children's Medicaid but covers children up to age 19 and the financial eligibility is 196% up
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