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Firelite ms 4 manual

2021.11.02 05:33














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MS-4(E) 4-Zone Fire Alarm Control Panel Overview The MS-4 is compatible with Sales Literature MS-4 Data Sheet MS-4 Manual MS-4 Frame & Post MS-4 with An automatic fire alarm system—typically made up of smoke detectors, heat detectors, manual pull stations, audible warning devices, and a fire alarm control FIRE-LITE ALARMS MS-4 FIRE PANEL, 4 ZONE, 24V CLASS B. +. UHPPOTE Wired Emergency Fire Alarm Station 9-28VDC Conventional Dual Action Manual Call Point.MS-2 & MS-4 Series Manual — P/N 51512:G2 10/18/2011. D–L. Index. D. description. 10. device compatibility. 10. Digital Alarm Communicator/Transmitter. detectors, heat detectors, manual pull stations, audible warn- 4XTMF Transmitter Module Installation (MS-4 only) . Fire Alarm Control Panel MS-2 & MS-4 MS-2E & MS-4E Instruction Manual Document 51512 10/18/2011 Rev: P/N 51512:G2 G2 ECN 11-740 Fire-lite MS-4 Pdf User Manuals. View online or download Fire-lite MS-4 User Manual, Owner's Manual, Instruction Manual. — Selective Silence feature allows manual silence of horns while strobes continue to flash on the same NAC. Silent or Audible Walk Test operation mode commanded Fire-Lite MS-2 Manual Online: 4Xlmf Led Interface Module (Ms-4 Only). The 4XLMF supports the RZA-4XF Remote Annunciator module. The wiring of this module The Fire-Lite MS-4 is a four-zone, conventional fire alarm control panel. The MS-4 works with System Sensor I3 smoke detectors and conventional 2 and 4 wire

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