Convert html to pdf using pdfsharp
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I want to convert my html to pdf using C#. PdfSharp is a 100% fully c# managed code, easy to use, thread safe and most importantly FREE using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()); {; var pdf = TheArtOfDev.HtmlRenderer.PdfSharp.PdfGenerator.GeneratePdf(html, PdfSharp.PageSize.A4); Hi! FanPilot wrote: Am I missing something here? You have come to the wrong forum. PDFsharp cannot convert HTML to PDF. You are using a third- With GemBox.Document you can easily convert files from one format to another, using just C# or VB.NET code. You can load or read any supported input file formatYou could install-Package HtmlRenderer.PdfSharp to use the following code to convert html to pdf. using PdfSharp.Pdf; PDFSharp Read PDF, Print, and More. Create PDF from HTML String; ASPX to PDF Code; Using CSS3 and Templates with PDFs; Compare PDFSharp on Windows Forms and how to convert html to pdf and how to save pdf file in database. PDFSharp: NuGet Gallery | HTML Renderer for PDF using PdfSharp
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