watchseries Watch The Glorias Free Online
Release Date: 2020
creator: Gloria Steinem
average Ratings: 5,2 / 10
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Wonderful Bio-Docu-movie. As a man, I'm THANKFUL, that "WOMEN" of ALL RACES & ECONOMIC BACKGROUNDS, HAVE NEVER STOP FIGHTING for FREEDOM, EQUALITY, RESPECT & SO MUCH MORE. TO COME. We "ALL, are benefactors of THEIR FIGHT. THANK YOU, for, continually, trying to make this a BETTER WORLD.
My husband and I absolutely loved this movie, however I suggest watching this in two goes as it is a long movie.
What a wonderful montage of Gloria Steinems remarkable life to date. Creative scenes in which she talks to older or younger versions of herself. Interjections of artistic anime scenes keep things light.
Wonderful depiction of all of the forward thinking women from every background and walk of life pushing for equal rights.
Truly inspiring film.
As usual, the ratings are being brigaded by incels because of the feminist themes.
I liked it but like most biopics that cover a person's entire life, it ends up feeling like a greatest hits album. The big fantasy sequences didn't work for me.
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