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Rotax 912 heavy maintenance manual

2021.11.03 06:54
















Distribution. The Rotax manual should be consulted for maintenance information. Indicating. This aircraft is fitted with a Rotax 912 horizontally opposed, four cylinder, and water cooled engine. This engine is proposed in two versions, 912 aand 912S. ROTAX 912 S Aircraft Engine. v WARNING. Before starting with the engine installation, please, read the Installation Manual completely as it contains important For further information on maintenance and spare part service contact the nearest ROTAX® distributor (see chapter of Service Partners). In the Rotax 912/914 series Line Maintenance Manual, section 05-20-00 there is a really useful table detailing the service items that need to be completed at each interval (see Figure 2). This form can be easily printed out and is a really handy work sheet on which to record the maintenance you have 2 rotax 912 s manuals ( available for free online viewing or downloading in pdf) : operator' s manual, maintenance manual. lockwood aviation supply provides parts and service for all rotax 8 mb: 912 series ( all), 914 ( all) maintenance manual ( heavy maintenance) 9 series. chapter: general note. ? Rotax 912 Series manual (Maintenance Manual, 104 pages): View 912 Series document online or download in PDF. Rotax 912 Series PDF Manual Online Viewing Mode NOTE: ROTAX 912 i Series includes 912 iSc and 912 iS. Table of contents This chapter of the Installation Manual contains general and safety infor-mation concerning the operation and maintenance of the aircraft engine. Subject Page General note Page 3 Type BRP-Rotax MAINTENANCE MANUAL LINE GENERAL In this Manual all ROTAX® 912 i Series engines are described. NOTE ROTAX® 912 i Series includes 912 iS, 912 iS Sport and 912 iSc Sport. See also Maintenance Manual Heavy for the engine ty Maintenance requirements are outlined in the Wing maintenance and Trike maintenance sections of this Manual. Please reference these sections to ensure A Rotax 912 four-stroke engine producing 80/100 HP powers the base. It is attached to the wing by way of a universal joint which allows the free

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