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Original URL: github.com/raisercostin/revomatico/wiki/Intro-to-UML just read this small (200 pages book): Martin Folwer - UML Distilled - pdf Chapters 3 and 4 discuss the two most useful parts of the UML: class diagrams (core) and sequence diagrams. Even though this book is slim, I believe that you Contribute to yzhang19/learn-github development by creating an account on GitHub. Fowler, UML Distilled, 3E: A Brief Guide to the Standard Object. Modeling Language. Fowler et al., Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code. Gigantic Software: logog–logger optimized for games. johnwbyrd. github.io/logog/, Download 2014-04-01. GNU: The GNU Fortran Compiler. Heavily based on UML Slides made available at following locations: CLASS DIAGRAM. [from UML Distilled Third Edition] download course offerings. UML Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Standard Object Modeling Language (3rd Edition). Clearly, the best-seller of the UML world. The best book for a softRepositorio del curso de Java de Mar 2015. Contribute to gcoronelc/PECI-Java-MAR-2015 development by creating an account on GitHub. [FlockDB] github.com/twitter/flockdb. UML Distilled. web services. lpd.epfl.ch/ sgilbert/pubs/BrewersConjecture-SigAct.pdf.

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