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Shipper's letter of instruction check digit

2021.11.03 08:39
















The Shipper's Letter of Instruction is just that - a "letter" from the Shipper instructing the Freight The eleventh digit should be typed in the Check Digit column. 13. quantity - schedule b 23. SHIPPER'S INSTRUCTIONS - instructs the forwarder how to dispose of the shipment in the event it The shipper's letter of instruction is issued by the exporter to the forwarding agent. See implementing instructions and sample certification guidance for Peru. The shipper's letter of For the sake of our example, we'll assume a 10-digit code. sure you provide correct information on your 9. Shipper's Instructions in case of inability to deliver consignment - Please indicate your preference; return to shipper, abandon, or specify other instructions. 10. Hazardous Materials - Check Yes or No to indicate if the shipment contains hazardous materials. By checking the Box 21 certification, I am certifying that the full shipment weight shown in box 20 is the Certified Gross Weight which may be added to the Check here if the USPPI authorizes the above named forwarder to act as its true and lawful agent for purposes of preparing and filing the Electronic Flexport makes shipping your cargo transparent, reliable, and affordable. Get Started. What is a Shipper's Letter of Instruction? 15. Shippers Instructions for Air-Sea Forwarders, Inc. - This is a free-form field where shippers may enter any Otherwise, check "No". 20. Shipper Must Check - If the freight and other transportation related 25. Schedule B / HTS Number and Commercial Commodity Description - Enter the 10 digit This form is to be completed by t he shipper if an export declarat ion is required or if the shipper does not fill out the export declarat ion online via our website. Ent er the USPPI s 9 digit (numeric) company EIN. This must be t he EIN of the party report ed as the USPPI. These instructions refer to the corresponding field numbers on an OCEANAIR Shipper's Letter of Instruction. This information is required in order for OCEANAIR to properly process your shipment for export. 9. *shipment and electronic information (eei). *Mandatory Field. Shippers letter of instructions (SLI) instructions. • *USPPI EIN: Provide the USPPI's Internal Revenue Service Employer Identification Number (EIN). Report the 9-digit numerical code as reported on your U. s. shippers letter of instructions global forwarding air or ocean dhlusa. com date shippers reference number. u. s. principal party in interest. name, address zip code shipper must check service requested check one air ocean groundU. s PRINT. Shipper's Letter of Instructions. Revised 10-15-2018. To-Door Deliveries: The shipper is required to provide all permits/licenses/visa's, a commercial invoice with actual values and shippers Tax I.D Payment Information - How are you paying for the freight charges? (Please check one only). PRINT. Shipper's Letter of Instructions. Revised 10-15-2018. To-Door Deliveries: The shipper is required to provide all permits/licenses/visa's, a commercial invoice with actual values and shippers Tax I.D Payment Information - How are you paying for the freight charges? (Please check one only). shipper s Letter of Instruction (SLI) 2005 Table of Contents I. Introduction 6 Required II. shipper s I. Introduction REQUIRED DOCUMENTS The Shipper's Letter of Instruction explains how and where to send a shipment from the United States to an international destination. Check Digit Not required. Shipper's letter of instructions. b. EXPORTER'S EIN (IRS) NO. 4a. Check digit. Quantity schedule b units. Documents enclosed special instructions. NOTE: The Shipper or his authorized agent hereby authorizes the above named Company, in his name and Shipper`s letter of instructions. 1a. EXPORTER (Name and address including ZIP code). Shipper`s instructions in case of inability to deliver consignment as assignet ? abandon ? return to shipper. CHECK. DIGIT.

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