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kikidijal's Ownd

Bofa "ad oracle" user manual

2021.11.04 00:49
















Ad oracle. Fume extraction unit. 1 Version 1 Oct 2009. User maintenance is limited to cleaning the unit and replacing the filters with new. Only BOFA International trained maintenance technicians are authorised to carry out component testing and replacement. AD Oracle. Vyrobky spoloenosti BOFA - patria k svetovej spieke v oblasti technologii odvodu splodin vznikajucich napr. pri laserovom oznaeovani. BOFA Oracle - odsavacia a filtraena jednotka je vysoko vykonne zariadenie. Splodiny vznikajuce pri laserovom znaeeni su odsavane systemom AD Oracle iQ ADVANTAGE LASER FUME EXTRACTOR. The 'Best in Class' high performance AD Oracle has now been further enhanced with the introduction of BOFA's new iQ Operating System, combining a range of unique features into one compact unit. The iQ Operating System performs at Bofa Ad Oracle jest najbardziej zaawansowanym filtrem spalin powstajacych podczas obrobki laserowej. Najbardziej zaawansowany technicznie system filtrujacy Bofa. AD Oracle to potezny wachlarz unikalnych funkcji w jednym kompaktowym, nowoczesnym i bardzo wydajnym urzadzeniu. Teraz dostepny takze w wersji IQ (z wyswietlaczem sterujacym LCD). Rewolucyjna turbina z systemem AD Oracle IQ Overview. The most advanced fume extraction solution for high performance laser systems. The 'Best in Class' high performance AD Oracle laser fume extraction system has now been further enhanced with the introduction of BOFA's new iQ Operating System, combining a range L'unite de filtration L1944A AD Oracle integre une gamme etendue de fonctionnalites uniques dans une unite compacte. Vente en ligne 24/7. Presentation de l'extracteur de fumees au laser le plus techniquement avance de BOFA, car AD Oracle integre une gamme etendue de fonctionnalites BOFA AD Oracle IQ Overview. The 'Best in Class' high performance AD Oracle laser fume extraction system has now been further enhanced with the introduction of BOFA's new iQ Operating System, combining a range of unique features into one compact unit.

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