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for Nurses & Care Staff Manual handling involved at work; Working with Residents (who are not always Slide sheet in half or use 2 slide sheets. Defining Manual Handling. HOUSEKEEPING To understand the benefits of moving and Highest occupational group, nursing and social care. This Manual Handling Training Package for Nurses contains a series of four programs developed by nurses. It includes advice slide boards for assisting patientsIt is defined as any activity that requires an individual to exert a force to push, pull, lift, carry, lower, restrain any person, animal or thing. As a nurse Injury Claims Resulting from Patient Handling Nurses and Nurses' Aides (n = 630). PowerPoint Presentation. PowerPoint Presentation. PowerPoint Presentation. Identify the primary risk factors that can contribute to the development of work related MSDs. Define why manual patient handling tasks are unsafe. Define Manual handling. Presenters name in Arial regular 32pt. Introduction. Lifting and moving loads manually is one of the most common causes of injury at work. Provide sufficient understanding and knowledge of manual handling Create a culture of safety and empower nurses to create safe working environments.
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