Brlps pdf
Bihar Rural Livelihoods Promotion Society (BRLPS), Govt. of Bihar. Walk-In Process Job Application format. To,. The CEO,. Bihar Rural Livelihoods Promotion Bihar Rural Livelihoods Promotion Society (BRLPS), an autonomous society under Rural Development Department, Govt. of Bihar has been designated as State 1st Floor, Vidyut Bhawan-II, Balliey Road, Patna - 800 021; Ph.: +91-612-250 4980; Fax : +91-612-250-4960; e-mail :; Website : (JEEVIKA) has been supporting formation of SHGs related to Persons with. Different Abilities or Persons with Disability (PwD) and time has come to 1"' Floor, Vidyut Bhawan - II, Bailey Road, Patna- 800 021; Ph.:+91-612-250 4980; Fax:+91-612-250 4960, JEEVIKA. ????? ?????. BRLPS has complied/taken action on all the 23 points. The delay in recruitment has delayed the DMMU and BMMU setup. The overall progress details of action taken Email: c. We investigate anonymous tips also. Please feel free to give as much information on fraudulent and corrupt practices as possible.
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