Kenta Suzuki ( Kenta Gifu )

[2017.4.28] Yahoo! JAPAN Technology Art #01 ジャパニーズテクニウム展が開催されます

2017.04.27 16:43

2017年4月28日(金)~5月27日(土)にかけて、Yahoo! JAPAN 紀尾井町オフィスにて、Digital Nature GroupによるYahoo! JAPAN Technology Art #01 ジャパニーズテクニウム展が開催されます。

「ジャパニーズテクニウム」「近代人間性の更新」をテーマに、Digital Nature Groupで行ってきた研究成果や制作物を展示します。

僕が主に関わったものは、世界初公開となります「LIVE JACKET」です。20世紀において、音楽のデータ化は、音楽を耳だけの体験にしてしまった一方で、音楽を全身で体験できるフェスの人気は世界中で加速しています。データ化されていて、かつ音楽を全身で体験する新たな音楽体験を与えるジャケットです。

本展示では、オーケストラの指揮者のような音楽体験ができるORCHESTRA JACKET、ロックバンドのボーカルのような音楽体験ができるWEARABLE ONE OK ROCKの2点の展示を行います。ORCHESTRA JACKETでは実際に指揮者の視点を体験できるVRコンテンツの開発も行いました。着て体験ができるのは僕が現地にいるときのみになります。




高澤和希らとの研究である「Leaked Light Field」、

岩崎里玖らとの研究「Silk Print」、

蛭子綾花らとの研究「Stimulated Percussion」




Yahoo! JAPAN Technology Art # 01 Japan Technique Exhibition by Digital Nature Group will be held at Yahoo! JAPAN Kioicho Office from Friday, 28th April to Saturday May 27th, 2017.

We will exhibit the research results and products produced at Digital Nature Group on the theme of "Japanese Technique" and "Update of Modern Humanity".

What I mainly involved is "LIVE JACKET" which will be the world's first public release. In the 20th century, while music data conversion has made music an experience of only ears, the popularity of fes which can experience music all over the world is accelerating all over the world. It is a data jacket that gives a new music experience to experience the whole body with music.

In this exhibition, we will exhibit two points: ORCHESTRA JACKET, which allows you to experience music like an orchestra conductor, and WEARABLE ONE OK ROCK, where you can enjoy music experiences like rock band vocals. ORCHESTRA JACKET also developed VR content that can actually experience the conductor's viewpoint. The only thing I can wear and experience is when I am in the field.

In addition, as for what I was involved in this exhibition,

"Levitrope" as a collaborative work by Professor Ochiai Yoichi,

As a co-author

"Leaked Light Field" with Kazuki Takazawa and others,

"Silk Print" with Riku Iwasaki and others.

"Stimulated Percussion" with Ayaka Ebisu and others, 

we exhibits.

It is the largest exhibition in the country since the Kuala Lumpur exhibition as a collective solo exhibition of the laboratory.

Please come and visit us.