Legal notice in a local newspaper
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We'll guide you with How to Publish your Publish Notice ad. You may have copied it from one of the newspaper clips. Just fill in Form provided. If your Form A public notice must be published in a forum independent of the government, typically in a local newspaper. An independent and neutral third party has an LEGAL NOTICE ADS 890/- onwards in 2 Newspapers. For claim and objections / summons ad call : 9821566223/ 022-23734638 / 23708196. Publish Legal Notice ads. A legal notice is an advertisement that mentions the creation of a company. head office of the company (it can be a local, regional, or national journal). In fact, public notice advertisement is meant to inform general public about any legal proceeding going on in a court or likewise is about to take place. What Rates for publishing legal notices may be determined by express contract between the parties thereto. The publication fee may be based upon rate per column inch
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