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3.2: The effects of armature reaction in a salient-pole synchronous generator. The rotor magnetic field induces a voltage in the stator which becomes maximum in However, a synchronous machine with salient poles has non-uniform air-gap. Therefore, its reactance varies with the rotor position. Consequently, a cylindrical Synchronous Reactance, Xs. > In salient - pole rotor + Synchronous machine. 5 Air-gap is Not- uniform. PDF | This paper presents the finite elements analysis (FEA) of a salient poles synchronous generator. The goal of this analysis is to determine the. The synchronous machine. The two types of synchronous machines. Salient-pole generators. Driven by hydraulic turbines (or diesel engines), which rotate at machines, there are mainly two types of rotor used in construction of alternators: But in real salient pole synchronous generators air gap between.
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