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Download free pdf of the book of Production Technology of Fruit and Plantation Crops. Book Detail: Production Technology of Fruit and Plantation Crops. Part XI – Seed Production Technology of Horticultural Crops h) Manual collection and destruction of egg mass and various stages of larvae of FAW. PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY OF FRUITS, SPICES AND. PLANTATION CROPS (2+1). Dr. N .SHOBA. Assistant Professor. Department of Floriculture and Landscaping. 2.7 Improved Production Technologies. 56. 2.8 Use Of Plant Bio-Regulators. 57. 2.9 Canopy Management. 58. 2.10 Irrigation. 58. 2.11 Protected Cultivation.Classification of fruits based on climatic requirements, horticultural and Cultivation of fruit crops plays an important role in the prosperity of any Only in India it is under scientific cultivation. India is the world's largest producer of arecanut contributing nearly 74 % towards world production. World
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