Remington model 552 speedmaster manual
B) Remington Model 552 Speedmaster Rifle with Scope. Manufacturer: Remington Arms Inc. Model: 552 Speedmaster. Type: Rifle. Gauge: 22 S L LR. Remington 552 Stock Set. Item Number. STK446. Remington Model 870 Wingmaster 410 Stock Set. price $130.00. MSRP. Several years ago I bought a Remington speedmaster model 552 at MT Sterling Court day . I did not have a way to test the gun before buying it but this gun looked good and felt great in my hands so I bought it. When I got home with it, I loaded it and every now and then it would hang up. The Remington Model 552 Speedmaster The Remington Model 552 Speedmaster was a .22 rimfire semiautomatic rifle introduced in 1957. It had open iron sights and shot .22 Short, .22 Long and .22 Long Rifle ammo. The Remington Model 552 "Speedmaster" is a semi-automatic rifle that can fire .22 Short, .22 Long and .22 long rifle cartridges. Ammunition is fed from a tubular magazine under the barrel. The model 552 features a unique low profile left-side bolt handle that lends itself to a clean receiver appearance Find solutions to your remington 552 speedmaster question. Get free help, tips & support from top experts on remington 552 speedmaster related issues. is the value of a Remington Speedmaster 552 serial number 1836139 In nice condition the first year production in 1957 goes for about $450. Save remington speedmaster model 552 to get e-mail alerts and updates on your eBay Feed.+ GOOD REMINGTON SPEEDMASTER .22 RIFLE STOCK SEMI AUTO MODEL 552 gun lamp stand. Gun manual collection - 1000 firearm 100 reloading service repair First manufactured in 1957, the Speedmaster has been around for over half a century and, as noted by Jeff Quinn, "it's probably one of finest .22 Designed for Big Green back when Gunsmoke was one of the most popular shows on television, the Model 552s big claim to fame was that it was one of the I just picked up a Speedmaster -- I don't know how old it is, I Good trick, considering that the model came out in the 1950s along with the other streamlined Remingtons like the 740 centerfire auto rifle. i got a 552 for a good price about a week ago, only been able to shoot it a little. It's a Jan '61 going by remington-522-speedmaster-manual.pdf - Remington 522 Speedmaster Manual Overview, Model 522 Viper 22 Caliber Autoloading Rifle, Parts List schematics on this page will help you identify the parts Remington Speedmaster Model 552 Manual.pdf - 0 downloads.
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