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Year: 1994
audience Score: 1765621 vote
John Travolta
Directors: Quentin Tarantino
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Watch pulp fiction movie online free streaming gratuit. Watch Pulp Fiction Movie Online Free streaming film. Watch pulp fiction movie online free streaming media player. Watch pulp fiction movie online free streaming free. Watch pulp fiction movie online free streaming. Watch pulp fiction movie online free streaming movie. What can I say about Pulp Fiction that hasn't already been said before? That it is arguably one of the best movies ever made and that after twenty years since its release remains a dazzling and original piece of brilliant filmmaking? Well, of course I could say all that, but I still wouldn't be making this magnificent movie justice. There's the amazing screenplay, exploding with pop culture references, and whose merits raise far above its plot and are really more related to the brilliant character development and the awesome mix of comedy and tragic that are so beautifully brought to life by the awesome cast. And then of course there's everything else, the amazing direction, the superb editing and the even more superb soundtrack. Tarantino has this ability to select an handful of songs that, far more than just cool and nice sounding (ala "Goodfelas" or "Boogie Nights" for instance) manage to give meaning to the scenes in which they are played. And that's just one of the million things that makes this movie so special and above all with such an high rewatchability value. And among those things there's also of course the unlikelihood of everything we see happening on screen and the unfolding of events that makes glued to the screen even after dozens of views. Summing up my thoughts, Pulp Fiction is a groundbreaking achievement in filmmaking that still manages to dazzle and surprise audiences after 20 years of its release. It's not just one of my favorite movies, it's also the movie that made me look at films from a different point of view, almost "forcing" me to love them as much as I love books. Please, if you haven't watched it yet, do yourself a favor and go watch it. But get ready, cus' it's gonna be a bumpy ride.
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