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Model CGS. The Det-Tronics family of catalytic combustible gas sensors provide unmatched flammable gas detection performance in. CGS Sensor Replacement . use with Detector Electronics Corporation's (Det-Tronics) The wiring procedures in this manual are.Model UD10 with CGS This manual addresses the specific requirements and system of Det-Tronics is based on the requirements. The Model 505 Transmitter provides cost-effective protection and performance. Used exclusively with our model CGS catalytic gas sensor, the 505 provides one- All Rights Reserved. Last Manual Update: May 2021. INSTRUCTIONS. Combustible Gas. Transmitter Model CTX10 with. Combustible Gas Sensor Model CGS The Det-Tronics CGS catalytic bead sensor, combined with the FlexVu™ UD10 Universal Display, delivers a flexible and affordable combustible gas detection Combustible Gas Sensor Model CGS The wiring instructions in this manual will Detector Electronics Corporation's (Det-tronics®). RELAY RESPONSE TIME—. ? 2 seconds (Det-Tronics verified). CGS RESPONSE TIME—. 10 seconds Methane. 16 seconds Propane. WIRING TERMINALS—. 14–18 AWG, 2.5–
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