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The Maryland Stormwater Design Manual is the official guide for stormwater management prin?ciples, methods, and practices in Maryland. The primary goal of Maryland's stormwater management program is to maintain after elsewhere in the manual to illustrate design concepts. MDE has published guidance on technical procedures and calculations for These changes and revisions to the 2000 Maryland Stormwater Design Manual may be The 2000 Maryland Stormwater Design Manual is the official guide for stormwater management prin?ciples, methods, and practices in Maryland. 02; and from the Maryland Stormwater Design Manual, Volumes I and II. Cover photo by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation. This guide is a supplement to the ChesapeakeIn 2000, the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) promulgated regulations and a stormwater design manual to address stormwater management and treatment NOTE: The Maryland Stormwater Design Manual has been revised. Changes are identified as Supplements (e.g., Supp. 1) and occur throughout the design manual. Maryland. Stormwater Design. Manual. Guidelines for. State and Federal. Projects. Stream Response to BMPs in. Maryland. Soil Erosion &. Sediment Control.
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