Nova hedwigia pdf
Журнал: Nova Hedwigia. Том: 147. Печатных листов: 1. Файлы: Nova Hedwigia.pdf (.pdf, 442.25 Kb). Nova Hedwigia is an international journal publishing original, peerreviewed papers on current issues of taxonomy, morphology, ultrastructure and ecology of all groups of cryptogamic plants Nova Hedwigia 18: 43, 1965. = Steccherinaceae Parmasto, Consp. syst. Trametes biogilvoides Corner, Beih. Nova Hedwigia 97: 81, 1989. Nova Hedwigia. Zeitschrift fur Kryptogamenkunde. Nova Hedwigia Band 79 Heft 1-2. Culture Collections of Algae: Increasing Accessibility and Exploring Algal Biodiversity. Wille (Chlamydomonas und Die Nachstverwandten Gattungen I) In: Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia Beihefte. 1970. H. 34. Palaontologische Zeitschrift 90:673-680 PDF. Freshwater sponges: another instance of protracted evolutionary stasis. Nova Hedwigia DOI: 10.1127/nova_hedwigia/2016/0346 PDF. Nova Hedwigia 48: 34. (Табл. 39: 10-17). SYNONYMS: Amylax diacantha Meunier, Gonyaulax diacantha (Meunier) J. Schiller, Gonyaulax longispina M. Lebour. Iscete knjigo Nova Hedwigia od ? Ce jo zelite kupiti, knjiga Nova Hedwigia obicajno stane 23,78 Vendar pa je ta knjiga od na voljo tudi v PDF razlicici. Ce zelite dobiti PDF razlicico knjige Nova Nova Hedwigia, 83:499-510. Mundie JT, Crabtree DG, 1997. Effects on sediments and biota of cleaning a salmonid spawning channel. Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia. 281-331. Nova Hedwigia 23 : 113-124 . APINIS , A.E. , C.G.C. CHESTERS & H.K. TALIGOOLA ( 1972b ) : Microfungi colonizing submerged standing culms of Phragmites communis Trin .
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