Code saturne theory guide
Table des matieres. Pre-requis. Installation. Configuration. Utilisation. Desinstallation. Voir aussi. Cette page est en cours de redaction. Apportez votre aide Xenial, calcul numerique, mecanique, BROUILLON. Code_Saturne. Single-Phase Forced Convection in Tube Banks. Numerical Simulation Techniques. Code Saturne and SALOME. 3.2 The introduction of 'ghost' cells by the code in order to parallelise the ow domain (left), or impose periodic conditions (right), modied from the Code Saturne theory test GUI launch code_saturne compile --test code_saturne gui It is now possible to have different versions of Code_Saturne simultaneously with main commands to be printed as a memento The theory manual is still to be reorganized and translated A developer s guide is to be written early 2010. code_saturne est un logiciel libre de simulation informatique en mecanique des fluides. Developpe depuis 1997 par la division Recherche et Developpement d'EDF, il a ete place sous licence publique generale GNU en mars 2007. Code Saturne relies on a nite volume discretization and allows the use of various mesh types which may be hybrid (containing several kinds The present document is a tutorial for Code Saturne version 1.3.2. It presents one simple test case and guides the future Code Saturne user step by step into the
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